Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Argentina: Ninos Envuelitos & Humita Mendocina

Argentinian Coat of Arms image taken from Wikipedia
I would suggest playing the music in the above videos while reading this post to get the full effect. 

We went to Argentina! It was fantastic. We all had so much fun with the food, music and culture  of Argentina. We were blown away by the beautiful pictures of the dramatic Argentinian landscape. Here are a few to perk your interest.
Perito Merino taken from

Iguazu Falls taken from National Geographic photo by Winfield Parks

Cueva Manos taken from

 We had lots of fun getting into the spirit of Argentina with the music and pictures and delicious food! Hazel even dressed up like a little Andean mountain farmer. So sweet! The steak for the Ninos Envueltos was set to marinate hours in advance... giving us time to play and relax. Then once I stuffed and wrapped my steaks, smothered them in a mouth watering sauce with whole peeled canned tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic and parsley. I was free to make my signature crowd pleasing appetizer... guacamole. I will throw my recipe for that one out on another post soon! The Humita Mendocina was a lovely mixed veggie dish of mostly corn. There was a hint of cinnamon and a dash of spice. So perfect!
Humita Mendocina and Ninos Envueltos

Ninos Envueltos

Humita Mendocina

Argentina on a plate! Ninos Enveultos and Humita Mendocina

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